Port Houston HSEQ

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Community Involvement

As a gateway for international trade, Port Houston is committed to engaging with communities surrounding the Houston Ship Channel, and establishing ourselves as a helpful resource for all. We believe in the importance of contributing to the quality of life in our local area, and the Port’s outreach strategies help us manage the balance between our business efforts, our role as a neighbor, and to the community.

We maintain a comprehensive system of leadership to protect the environment, our resources and & our people.  This program meets internationally recognized standards for reliability, asset management, protection and environment:

    These strategies include increasing public awareness about the Houston Ship Channel complex, providing open lines of communication between Port Houston and communities, and investing in partnerships that bring a positive impact to our region.

    Port Houston has invested more than $5 million in the Maritime Education Program, enabling us to assist students in discovering their interests as well as match them with opportunities after graduation. Benefits of the Maritime Education Program include dual credit courses, industry-specific certifications, field trips, workshops, seminars, internships, and scholarship opportunities.